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PKF is a top ten UK accountancy firm which is now part of BDO. Over the years its brand image had become tired and failed to really involve its diverse range of business audiences. The first stage in bringing the brand to life when Brandlogik’s Lead Designer Eugene Burns took over as creative lead was to look at PKF’s ongoing advertising and recruitment campaigns.

Achieving stand-out through use of engaging imagery and copy, led to very positive and measurable results in partner and senior manager recruitment. It also helped build a new brand tone-of-voice for the firm in important publications such as the Financial Times and in the wider business consulting sector.

This new approach was then rolled out into the core business areas of the firm’s communication. A strong brand message of quality and outstanding service applied to the more client focused areas where specific messages could be dramatically brought to life.

Having established a fresh brand positioning, Eugene then developed a range of exciting product and client literature that would better engage with the firm’s new and existing clients. From client focused newsletters, to software product literature and advertising, all the elements had a unified brand-building theme while still having flexibility and an approachable feel.

Eugene’s work for PKF is branding and design for the 21st century. Colour coded, targeted, integrated and flexible, it’s a brand that can easily talk to a range of audiences.


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